Hands & Hearts Together, with gratitude
October 21, 2020
On the one hand….. we’re all kind of tired of the masks, the hand sanitizer and Lysol and bleach (walking through the Hands On Hartford Center for Community, there’s a new scent practically every step – lavender hand sanitizer, industrial cleaning fluid, fresh scent antibacterial soap, rose… oh wait, those were someone’s flowers delivered for a special occasion!)
On the other hand…. what a wonderful, caring, compassionate community we live and work in! You made the virtual Hands & Hearts Together celebration on October 4 a great success! Thank you to all who watched the event, donated, sponsored, donated or purchased auction items, volunteered, and worked in partnership to raise funds for HOH basic needs services. Your support will provide food and neighborhood services to our Hartford neighbors who are struggling (more than ever in these COVID-19 times) to make ends meet. Neighbors like Sonya and her five-year-old son, who you may remember from the “Day in the Life” video shown on October 4.
If you missed the event or would like to watch it again or share with friends, search Hands On Hartford on YouTube or use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNEbqUUlbcw In addition to hearing from Sonya, you’ll see our own Janet Bermudez co-hosting with Renee DiNino of iHeart Radio, and hear from some other familiar friends from Hands On Hartford.
Our hands applaud and our hearts are filled with gratitude for all of you and the power of joining hands and hearts together.