Hands On Hartford

Hands On Hartford Receives Hartford Community Food Security Award

April 11, 2019

We were absolutely thrilled to receive the Hartford Community Food Security Award for a non-profit at a ceremony held on April 10, 2019, and especially proud to receive this recognition in this special year – our 50th year serving our Hartford neighbors.

While everything we do at Hands On Hartford is the result of a tremendous team effort involving staff, volunteers, donors and community collaborations, much of the credit goes to Janet Bermudez, MANNA Program Manager, and her team for their hard work, grace and flexibility and huge hearts that they put into this work every day.

Each year, we impact thousands of individuals and families struggling with hunger and food insecurity – 100-150 at each meal we serve at Community Meals, over 550 families a month through our pantry, and 230 children each week through the Backpack Nutrition Program.

The folks we serve are often tired, stressed out, worried and embarrassed to have to ask for help.  Janet and her team always offer a smile, calm reassurance and of course healthy, nutritious food.  They consistently go the extra mile to get folks the help they need.  We hear time and time again from our clients how grateful they are for the help and how impressed they are with the team.

This is a team that is creative and hard-working.  From:

the team is always thinking up new and improved ways to fight hunger and food insecurity in our community.

This is important work and we are all proud to be a part of it.  We are so grateful to the Hartford Food Commission for this wonderful recognition.

This post was written by Kate Shafer, Communications Manager at Hands On Hartford. You may contact the author at kshafer@handsonhartford.org.